The Bulls Of Pamplona: Hemingway Centenary Edition, 1923-2023

Published in 2023, the 100th anniversary of the first visit of Ernest Hemingway to Pamplona, this is the Hemingway Centenary San Fermín Edition (1923-2023) of the Official Guide to the Feria of San Fermín, the world famous annual bull-running Fiesta in Spain.
With chapters by Ernest’s grandson, John Hemingway, and a foreword from the Mayor Of Pamplona, it includes contributions from Beatrice Welles, Orson’s daughter, the best young foreign bull-runner today Dennis Clancey (Capt., ret’d, 101st Airborne Division), the most experienced English-speaking bull-runner Joe Distler, the Texan rodeo champion Larry Belcher, the most senior photographer of the Pamplona press corps, Jim Hollander (both Reuters & EPA), and the most experienced Navarran, Basque and Spanish runners Julen Madina, Miguel Ángel Eguíluz, Jokin Zuasti and Josechu López, all edited and co-authored by bull-runner, former bullfighter and award-winning author Alexander Fiske-Harrison.

The physical and electronic editions are available to buy online now from Amazon around the world: in the UK here, in the US here, in Australia (and surrounding regions) here, in Canada here, in Spain here, in France here, in the Netherlands as en eBook here, in Germany (and surrounding regions) here, in Italy here, in Mexico and Central America here, in Brazil and South America here, in India here and in Japan here.

The Editor